Our Amazing Boys and Girls!
We gave out so many awards and merits in our assembly today - we were overwhelmed and delighted to be giving such fabulous awards.
Our Term 2 Head Boy and Head Girl were announced and we are so proud to have them representing our school. We were also so happy to give our Star Pupils their awards this week for showing great maturity, super listening skills and going that extra mile. Our Joan's Cup award was given to three children that have worked very hard and showed fantastic initiative - it was just too hard to decide one!
Finally, we gave out our Mathletics and Accelerated Reader certificates to the boys and girls who have gone over and above to achieve their target points. Phew! What a busy assembly! Well done everyone!
Holy Family Primary School, 88 Coole Rd, Dungannon, Dungannon and South Tyrone BT71 5DR T: 028 8774 0461 | E: info@aughamullan.dungannon.ni.sch.uk