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Aughamullan Primary School

Our Amazing Acting in Primary 6/7

6th Nov 2020

Today was the final day of our playscripts project in Primary 6 and 7 and what a brilliant day we had. We have been writing, editing and re-drafting our Eviction Scene playscripts over the last few weeks and today we got the opportunity to perform our pieces for the whole class.

We used our fabulous stage area in our playground to really showcase our boys and girls' talents. Mrs Symington was blown away with the fantastic acting, storylines and stage directions that the children came up with. They really conveyed the feelings and emotions that would have been felt during an eviction in the Famine times. We then peer assessed each performance and discussed the amazing aspects of everyone's scenes. We have such talented children in Holy Family P.S. - how lucky are we? Take a look at some of the photos of the various groups performing for their peers.