Let's Get Artsy 🎨
This week in Primary 5, our boys and girls tried their hands at sketching and using a range of different techniques to create a base for their beautiful art work.
In World Around Us, we have been studying the topic of ‘Impact’ and looking at different regions such as Antarctica, Rainforests, Deserts etc. We have developed an understanding of how the things we do can impact on people and animals in other countries and how we can make a positive contribution to our world.
We decided to create some landscape scenes of our chosen region using a range of paint strokes, pastels and chalk. As you can see from the pictures, we really have such a creative bunch of boys and girls in Primary 5! We can’t wait to share our finished pictures with you all!!
Holy Family Primary School, 88 Coole Rd, Dungannon, Dungannon and South Tyrone BT71 5DR T: 028 8774 0461 | E: info@aughamullan.dungannon.ni.sch.uk