1, 2, 3 and breathe
14th Oct 2020
In Primary 5 we took some time out of our day to practice our yoga skills using the fantastic Healthy Kidz app! The brilliant team at Healthy Kidz have spent a lot of time perfecting their online app and we are beyond lucky and excited to be able to avail of it in school and at home!
Today we spent some time learning some new yoga positions such as the Seated Forward Fold Position, Happy Baby Position and the Upward Facing Dog Position. I'm sure from the pictures you will agree that our P.5 boys and girls have perfected these positions and are feeling very relaxed and chilled.
Holy Family Primary School, 88 Coole Rd, Dungannon, Dungannon and South Tyrone BT71 5DR T: 028 8774 0461 | E: info@aughamullan.dungannon.ni.sch.uk